24 January 2008

A Star's Death

On Tuesday night, my girls and I were out to dinner when one of them
asked me who Heath Ledger was. I said that he was an actor, then
asked why they wanted to know. My daughter said, "He's dead."
I said, "No way!" and turned around to look at the TV. Sure enough,
dead. Why would the death of a person I've never met so disturb me?
I mean, I know nothing about his life - nothing about who he really was.
I saw him when he acted in the movie A Knight's Tale.
I chose NOT to see him when he acted in Brokeback Mountain.
Who was this young man?
He was 28 years old, and as of Tuesday afternoon, he entered the rest
of eternity...
I wonder where he's spending the rest of his existence?
That's probably why I was so immediately disturbed.
We have every opportunity to make the choice to accept or reject
Jesus Christ - while on this earth.
Once death has come, no more choices are available to us.
What were his choices?
Where is he today?
I grieve to think...
More often than not, I'm concerned for the eternal destiny of those
around me. Yes, Christians sometimes become unconcerned
with the death of those around them.
Perhaps it's the fact that Jeff and I have been preparing to host
an Alpha course in our home. Alpha is a course designed to offer
a meal, then a "movie" that answers the questions that all of us
ask about life. Alpha presents the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way
that those who are seeking may find the answers they've been
looking for.
Or maybe it was a cry I heard in my spirit, because the Spirit of God
was grieved at his death.
All I know is, I'm still upset over his death.
And I wonder - is anyone around him asking the same questions
about eternity?
Is there anyone there to comfort his family with true comfort; that
which comes from God?

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