It may appear as if I'm filling up my blog all in one day
with post after post. The truth is I'm playing catch-up. I got the
idea to start a blog on Tuesday, and posted the two previous blogs
on my church's ladies' e-mail cafe.
I dedicate this next story to my friend Elaine, who has been praying
that it would snow so I could have a day off from life. Elaine, the Lord
answered - though not in the way you prayed.
We had icy roads in town yesterday, so I didn't leave the house at 9:00
like I was planning to - like I do every Tuesday.
I'm a mom who home schools her three children. Matthew is 17 - a
senior who is preparing to go away to college in August; Katherine is 15
- a sophomore; Abigail is 12 - 7th grade.
Both my girls dance at a local studio. So on Mondays, Tuesdays and
Thursdays, I'm Mrs. Taxi for them back and forth.
Katherine teaches dance at the studio all morning and early afternoon
on Tuesday. She also teaches two classes at our church on Wednesday
nights before youth meeting.
I lead worship in my church twice a month and have a Thursday night
practice for that.
What that means is I'm running Monday through Thursday with little
time for myself.
So Elaine prayed that we'd get some snow so I'd have a day off. She even
bought a tea-light candle holder for me that has the word "snow" at the back.
I joked with her asking if I should light the candles and pray at the "altar
of snow".
I guess I accidentally prayed at the "altar of ice"! All classes were
canceled yesterday, so the girls and I ate dinner out at Gondolier,
rented two movies and laughed ourselves silly (after my doctor appt.)
One movie, Sydney White, was sappy, silly, stupid, but a total crack-up!
The other one was not such a big hit with us - The Nanny Diaries.
It was a snoozer.
1 comment:
The Altar of Snow? You shouldn't be praying to those false gods. :)
Either way, I guess it worked...hehe
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