15 June 2009


I have been noticing something lately.
Honestly, I've noticed it before, but lately it has fascinated me more than usual.
I'll call them daredevil birds.
You've seen them.
They come swooping dangerously into your path as you're driving along, only to suddenly change direction and swoop the other way.
Sometimes when there are two birds - one makes it across and the other does the sudden switch-back - I've wondered...
Did they plan that?
Did bird one say to bird two, "Hey! Betcha can't make it across the road without getting hit!"
Bird two says, "Let's find out!"
And off they go.
In truth, birds cannot reason. God created only man with reasoning capabilities.
But I do have to wonder what it is within those birds that causes them to want to "play".
If it's true that all of creation worships the King - are they worshiping with their play?
Perhaps I'll never know exactly what the birds are "thinking" as they dart dangerously in front of my car. But I plan to continue to enjoy their "game".

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