Acts 2:1 "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place."
As I read this passage today, I realized something. I realized that the believers in Acts did not just "happen" to be all together in one place. They had chosen to be together.
In Acts 1:14 it says, "They all joined together constantly in prayer."
It does not say that because they were together the day of Pentecost came. It says that when the day of Pentecost came, they were together.
It must have been that God had already chosen the day of His visitation.
What if the believers had neglected to meet together? What if they did not have the habit of meeting together? Would they have missed the day of Pentecost?
What if some had neglected to be there that particular day?
They would most definitely have missed the day of Pentecost - the day that Jesus promised His Father would send.
Also, the timing was no accident. There were God-fearing Jews in Jerusalem "from every nation under heaven." God sent the promised Holy Spirit during the Feast of Pentecost, knowing there would be God-fearing men and women from every nation in Jerusalem. He knew they would hear the message that Peter would share after having received the Holy Spirit.
Why was it significant that foreigners were in Jerusalem? God brought them to hear the message (Acts 2:14). The Gospel was shared that day, and it was meant to be heard by those present so they could in turn share the message with their families and with those in "every nation under heaven". (Acts 2:39)
Have you heard the message? Have you been faithful to continue to meet together with other believers so that when God's appointed day arrives, you will not miss His coming?
What if the Lord of Heaven has a message for you?
What if He has a message that you are to share with your family, or with your city?
Do not neglect the regular meeting together with the saints. God has appointed days for His visitation. None of us wants to miss that visitation!
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